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Black Hills Power Transmission

Transmission rates cover the cost of moving energy from generating facilities to our customers. Black Hills Power makes three (3) transmission rate filings each year.

Sign up for notices related to the annual transmission revenue requirement or annual true-up. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Annual transmission revenue requirement

The annual transmission revenue requirement, or ATRR, is the estimated amount of revenue Black Hills Power (BHBE) must recover annually to cover costs associated with our transmission system. Below is a summary of protocols and schedules associated with the ATRR.

  • Annual transmission revenue requirement (ATRR): Black Hills Power will determine and post the ATRR for the following service year on or before Sept. 30 each year.
  • Notifications:  Within ten (10) days of posting Black Hills Power will provide notice to interested parties by email exploder which can be subscribed to on the Black Hills Power website. 
  • Open meeting for interested parties: An open meeting will be held each year by Oct. 30 to explain and clarify the ATRR, and provide interested parties an opportunity to seek information and clarifications about the ATRR.
  • Information exchange procedures: Interested parties have until Nov. 30 to serve reasonable information and document requests. The requests are limited to those items identified in Attachment H. Black Hills Power will respond by Dec. 31.
  • Challenge procedures: Interested parties have until Jan. 15 to notify us, in writing, of any specific informal challenges to the ATRR. Notice may be emailed to Transmission Services. Black Hills Power will respond to informal challenges by February 15th. Interested parties have until April 1 to make a formal challenge with FERC and simultaneously serve Black Hills Power. Formal challenges must satisfy all requirements set forth in Attachment H.


2024 projected net revenue requirement

2023 projected net revenue requirement

2022 projected net revenue requirement

2021 projected net revenue requirement

2020 projected net revenue requirement:

2019 projected net revenue requirement:

2018 projected net revenue requirement:

2017 projected net revenue requirement:

2016 projected net revenue requirement:

Informational filing

The informational filing is a summary of the previous year’s ATRR requirement and annual true-up. Black Hills Basin Electric will submit the filing by March 1.  


2024 information filing docket no.ER24-1356-000

2023 information filing docket no.ER23-1200-000

2022 informational filing docket no.ER22-1133-000

2020 informational filing docket no.ER21-1231-000

2019 informational filing docket no. ER20-1121-000

2018 informational filing docket no. ER18-922:

2017 informational filing docket no.ER17-1062-000:

2016 informational filing docket no. ER14-2869:

Annual True-up and Schedule 1 Rate

The annual true-up is a calculation of the actual net revenue requirement costs versus the estimated costs Black Hills Basin Electric charged for the previous year. Schedule 2 will also have a True-up. At the same time Black Hills Basin Electric will calculate the Schedule 1 rate effective August 1st. Below is a summary of protocols and schedules associated with the annual true-up and Schedule 1:

  • Annual True Up: Black Hills Basin Electric will determine and post the actual transmission costs for the prior year compared to the projected ATRR and do a true up by June 1. Customers will be issued a refund or surcharge including interest.
  • Schedule 1:  Black Hills Basin Electric will determine and post Schedule 1 rates by June 1.
  • Schedule 2:  A true-up will be done on the estimated versus the actual costs.
  • Notifications:  Within ten (10) days of posting Black Hills Basin Electric will provide notice to interested parties by email exploder which can be subscribed to on the Black Hills Basin Electric website.
  • Open meeting for interested parties: An open meeting will be held each year by July 1 to explain and clarify the annual true-up, and provide interested parties an opportunity to seek information and clarifications about the annual true-up.
  • Information exchange procedures: Interested parties have until Aug. 1 to serve reasonable information and document requests. The requests are limited to those items identified in Attachment H. Black Hills Basin Electric will respond by Sept. 1.
  • Challenge procedures: interested parties have until Sept. 15 to notify us, in writing, of any specific informal challenges to the Annual True-Up. Notice may be emailed to Transmission Services. Black Hills Basin Electric will respond to informal challenges by Oct. 15. Interested parties have until April 1 to make a formal challenge with FERC and simultaneously serve Black Hills Basin Electric. Formal challenges must satisfy all requirements set forth in Attachment H.


2023 formula rate true-up:

2022 formula rate true-up:

2021 formula rate true-up:

2020 formula rate true-up:

2019 formula rate true-up:

Click to view the 2019 Adjustments

2018 formula rate true-up:

2017 formula rate true-up:

2016 formula rate true-up:

2015 formula rate true-up:

2014 formula rate true-up:

More information

Find information regarding our transmission formula on OASIS.

Information on our transmission formula rate calculation and proposed protocols can be found under Attachment H of the Joint Open Access Transmission Tariff on FERC’s website.

Sign up for notices related to the annual transmission revenue requirement or annual true-up. You can unsubscribe at any time.