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Always here, always ready.

From weatherizing your home to creating an emergency plan — there's plenty you can do around your home and business to be ready for the change in seasons. We're here to help you stay safe, be prepared and save energy. 

Stay safe

Be prepared

Save energy

Team Ready

  • There are two things we love. And when we say love, we mean talk about constantly, doodle their names in our notebooks with hearts around them, and get butterflies in our stomachs just thinking about them. Summer and safety, of course. This year we’re more thankful than ever for summer. When we’…
  •       Home is more than the place you live. It’s that warm feeling when you smell banana bread baking in the oven. It’s snuggling up for just one more bedtime book after the nightly bath routine. It’s the peace of knowing that no matter what, there’s someone there to help. In a word, home is…
  • May is National Electric Safety Month and sunny days are ahead of us. And we could all use a little sunshine in our lives right now. As you venture out for your favorite summer projects and activities, make sure to stay safe with these electric safety tips. 1. Look up Always look up before…
  • Current events have us all experiencing more anxiety than usual. But if you can get out to enjoy the fresh air of your yard, you have a mood booster right at your fingertips: nature. There’s something about digging in the cool dirt on a warm spring day that can lift your spirit. In the book “The…

Positive Energy

  • Black Hills Energy recently presented its 500th Small Business Direct Install Program Participant Award to a Colorado company. The Small Business Direct Install Program encourages small businesses to make upgrades that increase their energy efficiency. The 500th participant award went to…
  • On May 23, a group of women from our Rapid City, South Dakota, office attended the SD CEO The Pivot: Great and Small Awards Event. We were the lunch sponsor at the event. Those in attendance had the opportunity to hear from local women business owners about what they did to make their business…
  • Jennifer Bingaman, manager of construction planning in Arkansas, graduated in May from the Leadership Arkansas program, coordinated by the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce. Class XVII included 54 leaders from across the state who spent a lot of time together over nine months working to become…
  • Black Hills Energy Ambassador Amanda Anderson, a utility construction supervisor in Arkansas and recipient of a 2022 Black Hills Energy CEO Summit Award, recently graduated from Leadership Springdale as part of Class XXVIII. Coordinated by the Springdale, Arkansas, Chamber of Commerce, Leadership…