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Always here, always ready.

From weatherizing your home to creating an emergency plan — there's plenty you can do around your home and business to be ready for the change in seasons. We're here to help you stay safe, be prepared and save energy. 

Stay safe

Be prepared

Save energy

Team Ready

  • “Do I need to unplug my laptop at night?” All your work-from-home energy efficiency questions answered If your dining room table looks like this, chances are you’ve been working from home. And that means that you likely have more electronics around than usual. Here’s your guide to making sure you…
  • Did you know? More information has been shared online in the past 2 years than in all of human history! And now, with many professionals and students working from home, data centers are more critical than ever. You can click here to see how we are actively monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19)…
  • We've almost made it to spring! Sure, there might still be snow in the forecast, but the evenings are getting longer and the kids have started to count down to the last day of school. One of our favorite traditions is spring cleaning. Filling the house with fresh air and purging it of the winter…
  • February. The longest short month of the year. It’s only 29 days, but it’s hard not to look longingly at next month’s promise of the first day of Spring and longer sun-lit evenings. The seasonal limbo has us wearing sweaters but dreaming of swimming pools. Your furnace is in limbo too. It’s been…

Positive Energy

  • What does the future of energy look like in Colorado? That was the question posed recently during a panel discussion in Castle Rock, Colorado, and after a particularly contentious legislative session that saw passage of a utility regulation bill. Nick Wagner, our Vice President of Regulatory…
  • Employees from our Fountain, Colorado, operations center recently spent a long day volunteering at the Fountain Creek Nature Center. The Nature Center is part of the greater Fountain Creek Regional Park and offers a variety of outdoor experiences and information on aquatic macroinvertebrates, birds…
  • On May 8, teams at Black Hills Energy service centers in Rapid City, Custer and Sturgis – all in South Dakota – helped give away trees through the Energy Saving Trees program. In partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation, Black Hills Energy distributed 200 trees to families and organizations…
  • South Dakota ambassadors and Horizon Point employees took time over their lunch hour to make tie blankets for the Children's Home Society. They made 10 twin-sized blankets. The Children's Home Society gives a new blanket to each child on their residential campus, in their therapeutic foster care…