As the 2023-2024 school year quickly approaches, it’s important to remember to watch out for children walking to and from school. Even if they are running to school in their sparkly light-up tennis shoes or making their way home with a violin on their back, school-aged children are smaller than the cars we drive today. Combine this with the fact that “young children often do not have the cognitive, perceptual, and behavioral abilities to negotiate traffic independently,” and a recipe for disaster is formed.
To help combat the issue, we partnered with the Lincoln and Lancaster County Health Department in Lincoln, Nebraska. Their program, Safe Kids of Lincoln-Lancaster County, teaches children tips about how to be safe around large moving vehicles to make “a safer, more pedestrian/bike friendly community for all.”
Our team in Lincoln brought two trucks to a Safe Kids event hosted at a local elementary school and discussed topics like staying out of blind spots, looking both ways before you cross, and general safety tips around vehicles. Everyone in attendance learned valuable information about how to stay safe and gained new perspectives on potential dangers that come with being a pedestrian.
As we inform our kids about safety, it’s important to remember that we must also do our part. Don’t drive distracted, watch your blind spots and be extra careful in school zones.
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Positive Energy
Jan Meis and Suzie Kingery like to take walks together outside the Black Hills Energy office in Council Bluffs. Most days, these walks are uneventful, but on Monday, Oct. 7, they were surprised to see a Cooper’s hawk in the road. Several vehicles passed by before they had the opportunity to help.…
A hot, windy day in southwest Nebraska generated $3,768 as Black Hills Energy employees, family and friends putted for a playground. The Central Region's 4th Annual Golf Tournament was hosted in McCook, Nebraska this year on Sept. 30 at Heritage Hills Golf Course. The tournament, with a field of…
On Friday, Sept. 22, the Kearney office went to the dogs…literally! To show support for the local community and hold an event to coincide with the area Junk Jaunt, a garage sale was hosted to benefit the Kearney Area Animal Shelter. Committee members met and chose the animal shelter as the charity…
Each year Black Hills Energy is able to support United Way in a Day of Caring event as part of the Season of Giving campaign. Several employees from the Bluffs facility in Iowa joined together to help the New Visions Homeless Services get ready for their December Community Christmas by sorting…