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Say cheese in Arkansas
arkansas team sorting food donations

In the United States today, “as many as nine million children live in ‘food insecure’ homes,” according to the national nonprofit campaign No Kid Hungry.

In Mulberry, Arkansas, our team is helping those affected by childhood hunger through volunteered time and recent contributions to The Mulberry Community Food Pantry’s summer SMILES program.

Supplemental Meals Improve Lives & Enrich Summer (SMILES) offers ready-to-eat food boxes up to two times a week in the summertime for children living in food insecure homes. Our company was the first to donate to this new program and additionally packed 432 food boxes to be distributed over the next few weeks to families in the Mulberry School District.

Suzy Ferguson, director of SMILES stated,” We strive to provide nutritional support to school age and pre-school age children as we realize they are casualties of the food insecure households in which they reside. Better nutrition means better learning and higher academic performance.”

Thank you to all those who volunteered their time to support SMILES’ efforts to feed children affected by food insecurity.

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