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Stay safe, be prepared and save energy

Hi! We’re Mike and Maria, also known as Team Ready, and we’re here on behalf of Black Hills Energy to empower you with helpful tips to use around your house. As we begin the seasonal switch from hot summer nights to cozy and cool fall days, it’s, it’s a great time to check it’s time to check on your furnace.

We know that home is where your heart is. And when it comes to being safe, being prepared and making your home as energy efficient as possible, you’re not alone.

We’re here to help with tips to keep your furnace and home running as safely and efficiently this fall.

We’ve put together an extensive resource center to help you help your home. So, what can we do for you today?

More helpful information

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  •       There’s something special about the return of routine in the fall. For some of us the end of summer means posting a new color-coded calendar on the fridge charting everyone’s school activities, meeting new teachers and launching into a new academic year. Others are looking forward to…
  • When the meteorologist says a major summer storm is coming, your first thoughts are probably to get the car in the garage and garden covered. We get it (we take a lot of pride in our tomatoes too). We work hard to make sure you have safe and reliable energy, but occasionally the weather or other…
  • Fall seems to get all the credit for being cozy. Granted, chili simmering on the stove, warm hues of orange, red and yellow, and the soundtrack of football games and leaves crunching under your feet definitely have their places in the cozy hall of fame. But we believe summer has an underrated cozy…