Renewable energy sources

Over the past eight years, we have been a leader in modernizing our electric generating fleet by retiring aging coal plants and constructing new natural gas and renewable energy resources including wind facilities. We’ve nearly doubled the generating capacity of our system during this period while significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the energy we produce. From 2011 to 2018, we reduced carbon emissions by 25 percent and reduced nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide emissions by more than 50 percent.
We have 150 MW of installed wind energy capacity at our Busch Ranch, Busch Ranch II and Peak View wind facilities in Southern Colorado. The renewable energy on our Colorado system will help meet the City of Pueblo’s stated intention of providing its citizens more energy from renewable generating resources and achieve the policy objectives of Colorado's Renewable Energy Standard - a state mandate calling for 30 percent of customers' electricity consumption to come from renewable energy resources by 2020.
Advancing clean energy
For over a decade, we have been modernizing our electric system and growing our renewable energy portfolio to build one of the newest and cleanest energy grids in Colorado. Our customers value renewable energy, and we are proud our energy supply is one of the cleanest in the state, powered 100 percent by natural gas and renewable energy.
We have 60 MW of wind energy on our Wyoming system and are in the process of constructing an additional 52.5 MW of wind energy in partnership with our South Dakota electric utility.
Renewable Ready
Our Renewable Ready program in Wyoming was created specifically to provide large commercial and industrial customers the option of fulfilling up to 100 percent of their electricity needs with low-cost utility-scale renewable energy resources direct from Black Hills Energy. In addition to this program, we are committed to finding renewable energy solutions for our largest customers, whether that would be through expanding our Renewable Ready program, securing renewable energy from third parties or acquiring renewable energy credits on their behalf.