Nebraska Business Energy Options (BEO)
Business Energy Options (BEO) is a regulated program that allows Nebraska Black Hills Energy commercial customers have the opportunity to purchase natural gas from certified gas marketers other than Black Hills Energy. Regardless of who the gas supplier is, Black Hills Energy will continue to deliver the natural gas to the customer through its local distribution system in the community.

What is Business Energy Options
Business Energy Options is a gas commodity transportation program offered by Black Hills Energy that provides an opportunity for small commercial customers in Nebraska to purchase natural gas from suppliers other than Black Hills Energy. Typically, Black Hills Energy is both the supplier and deliverer of natural gas to customers. Under Business Energy Options, certified gas marketers can offer gas supply for commercial customers. Regardless of who the customer chooses for its gas supply, Black Hills Energy will continue to deliver the gas through its local distribution system to the customer.
How Business Energy Options works
This is a voluntary program. Approved Competitive Natural Gas Providers (gas marketers) may contact Black Hills Energy’s Nebraska commercial customers to offer their gas supply. If the customer would like to purchase gas supply from one of these marketers, they will sign a contract with that marketer. If they do not choose another supplier, no action is required. Black Hills Energy will continue to provide the gas supply and deliver it to the customer.
The Nebraska Public Service Commission website has a list of approved CNGPs.
For questions or concerns regarding your Nebraska Business Energy Options Supplier please contact