South Dakota solar interconnection

Black Hills Energy — South Dakota Electric is proud to offer customers an opportunity to connect solar systems at your home or business to the grid. After completing the interconnection application process, you will receive a bi-directional meter. This bi-directional meter will measure both the energy you purchase from Black Hills Energy and the excess energy you supply back to the grid. For each monthly billing cycle you will receive a credit for any excess energy based on our current avoided cost rate per kilo-watt hour (kWh).
- You must be receiving electric service in Western South Dakota from Black Hills Energy.
- Your account must be active and current at the site of the proposed installation.
- All equipment must meet the minimum standards of UL 1741 and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standard 1547 in effect at the time of purchase.
- All installations are required to include a lockable disconnect switch located near the metering site. This switch allows Black Hills Energy personnel to safely isolate your system when performing maintenance or repair work in the vicinity.
Residential and commercial solar installations
Tier 1: Residential and commercial solar installations 10 kW AC or less
All installations in this tier are to be inverter based. All equipment specifications must be submitted for review by the Company (i.e., nameplate data of the solar panel(s), inverter(s), and disconnect switch). Specifications for battery storage equipment must also be submitted if applicable. Installations will use lab tested equipment only.
The installation must be permanently wired into a suitable load center in accordance with the National Electric Code (NEC). A copy of the wiring certificate or permit from the appropriate city or state jurisdiction must be submitted to Black Hills Energy to serve as proof of inspection. A lockable disconnect switch that is readily accessible to the Company’s personnel must be provided. This switch is to be at the metering point unless an alternate location is readily accessible and easily identifiable. The Company must approve the alternate location and a durable map or written sign will need to be provided at the metering or PCC location indicating the location of the switch.
Fees: Application Fee: $50.00; One Time Bi-Directional Metering Fee: $50.00
Insurance Requirement: Proof of adequate homeowners, general liability, or commercial liability insurance sufficient to insure against all reasonably foreseeable direct liabilities given the size of the small generator facility.
Tier 2: Residential and commercial solar installations >10 kW AC to 2 MW AC
Installations in this class may be subject to Feasibility, Facilities and System Impact Studies at Black Hills Energy request. All equipment specifications must be submitted for review by the Company (i.e., nameplate data of the solar panel(s), generators(s), inverter(s) and disconnect switch). Specifications for battery storage equipment must also be submitted if applicable. Installations may be lab tested or field tested and will interconnect to either a radial distribution circuit or a spot network distribution circuit limited to serving one premise.
Installations must meet all requirements of the National Electric Code (NEC). A copy of a wiring certificate or permit from the appropriate city or state jurisdiction must be submitted to Black Hills Energy to serve as proof of inspection. A lockable disconnect switch that is readily accessible to the Company’s personnel must be provided. This switch is to be at the metering point unless an alternate location is readily accessible and easily identifiable. The Company must approve the alternate location and a durable map or written sign will need to be provided at the metering or PCC location indicating the location of the switch.
Fees: Application Fee: $50.00 plus $1 per kilowatt of rated generation output, up to a maximum of $500.00; One Time Bi-Directional Metering Fee: $50.00
Insurance requirements: Proof of insurance up to a maximum of $500,000 per Black Hills Energy request.
Tier 3: Installations 2 MW AC or less that do not export power to the grid
Tier 3 Installations require low forward power relays or other protection functions that prevent power flow to the Black Hills Energy electric distribution system. Tier 3 installations will not connect to a transmission line.
Tier 3 installations are subject to review and study by Black Hills Energy. Please contact us to discuss the interconnection early in the design process.
Fees: Application Fee: $100.00 plus $2 per kilowatt of rated generation output, up to a maximum of $1000.00.
Insurance requirements: Proof of insurance up to a maximum of $1,000,000 per Black Hills Energy request.
Tier 4: Installations <10 MW AC that do not qualify for Tier 1, 2 or 3
Tier 4 installations are subject to review and study by Black Hills Energy, including a scoping meeting. Please contact us to discuss the interconnection early in the design process.
Fees: Application Fee: $100.00 plus $2 per kilowatt of rated generation output, up to a maximum of $1000.00.
Insurance requirements: Proof of insurance up to a maximum of $1,000,000 per Black Hills Energy request.

Getting started
We recommend that customers read the program rules and contact several qualified solar installation contractors. Industry professionals will help you decide the size and type of system that will best meet your needs and will obtain the necessary permits and inspections.
Application Checklist
- Application Form Completed
- Application Fees Paid
- Equipment Specification Sheets Submitted
- Wiring Certificate or Permit Submitted
- Completed and Signed Interconnection Agreement Submitted
- Bi-Directional Meter Exchange Fees Paid
Additional resources
- South Dakota Administrative Rules for Small Generator Facility Interconnection
- BHE — South Dakota Cogeneration Tariff
- Interconnection Agreement
- One Line Diagram