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Nebraska Choice Gas customers

Nebraska Choice Gas customers

Choose your gas supplier here

The Choice Gas program, administered by Black Hills Energy, gives you the freedom to pick your supplier and the gas price you’ll pay effective June 1, 2024. Take control and make a selection so you can enjoy the benefit of choice.

The Nebraska Annual Selection Period opens April 4, 2024 and ends April 24, 2024

No matter who you select, Black Hills Energy will be here to make sure your natural gas service is safe and reliable.

Suppliers will not begin marketing until April 4, which is the start of the 2024 selection period. This will allow selections to be made during the same time as marketing, and once your selection is recorded, marketing from Suppliers will cease within 24 hrs. The 2024 selection period ends on April 24, 2024.

Still have questions? Give us a call at 888-890-5554.


Nebraska Choice Gas Participating Towns:

Download the list of Nebraska Choice Gas participating towns


How it works

Customers may choose their natural gas commodity supplier using the internet, mail, supplier or the rollover option.  Active participation in the program can ensure customers have exclusive control of the natural gas commodity supplier, price option and price they will pay for the upcoming 2024 program year starting June 1st.

No matter which supplier you select, Black Hills Energy will maintain your local natural gas system, read the meters, send bills and answer any questions you may have.

If you do not make a selection online at, through your Supplier, or by mail, the automatic rollover method takes effect.  The rollover selection method results in the continuation of your natural gas commodity price option with the same natural gas commodity Supplier. If you rollover, your final price will be determined within 15 days after the selection period ends by your supplier.

The natural gas commodity price a customer paid the previous year does not carry over unless the Supplier agrees to do so.  Your final rollover price may be different from the prices quoted during the annual selection period.

Multi-year selection option

If you select a multi-year term through your supplier, you’ll know your price option and price — not only for the new program year (June-May) — but for future program years as well, so be sure to verify the price and term with your supplier when making a multi-year selection.  When you select a multi-year term, during the term of your selection, you will not:

  • Receive an annual selection packet
  • Receive supplier marketing communications
  • Be eligible to make another selection

All Choice Gas selections are specific to the service address and are nontransferable to a different service address. Multi-year selection options are customer and service address specific. So, if you move during the term of a multi-year selection, you will be eligible to make a selection at your new service address during the next annual Choice Gas selection period.

For more information about multi-year options, contact any of the Choice Gas participating suppliers.

Customer letter

Download the 2024 Nebraska Choice Gas customer letter.


Download the 2024 Nebraska Choice Gas guidebook.

Supplier marketing and contact information

The natural gas market can be volatile, with available prices changing frequently during the selection period. To give you timely information to help you make the Choice Gas natural gas commodity Supplier selection that best suits your needs, the participating natural gas commodity Suppliers may call, text or email you to share their individual natural gas commodity price and price option offerings. Black Hills Energy, the Choice Gas Program Administrator, provides the Choice Gas Program participating natural gas commodity Suppliers with the telephone number and email address you provided for your Black Hills Wyoming Gas, LLC utility account.

Although we want you to have the opportunity to receive this additional information from all of the natural gas commodity Suppliers we also understand that phone calls, texts and emails may be burdensome. Each natural gas commodity Supplier is limited on the frequency, type and number of contacts made to you. If you don’t want to receive these communications, please ask to be removed from their call list or opt out of their email communications. You may also contact the Utility call center at 877-245-3506 to request Choice Gas Program participating natural gas commodity Suppliers discontinue all marketing communication attempts to you. Within 24 hours of completing a successful selection for your service address, you shouldn’t receive any further contact from natural gas commodity Suppliers.

2024 Nebraska Choice Gas Supplier Selection Results

Last Updated May 29, 2024

Supplier Number of enrollees
Constellation Energy
(Se habla español)
Black Hills Energy Services
(Se habla español)
WoodRiver Energy
Symmetry Energy
(Se habla español)
Uncle Frank Energy Services
ACE (Public Alliance for
Community Energy)

(Se habla español)
Vista Energy Marketing
Legacy Natural Gas

Frequently asked questions

Black Hills Energy Services (BHES) is a non-regulated competitive natural gas supplier. Black Hills Nebraska Gas, LLC is a regulated utility and administrator of the Choice Gas Program conducting its business under the name of “Black Hills Energy.”

BHES, the Choice Gas supplier, is affiliated with Black Hills Energy.  Although the names of the two affiliated businesses are similar, the non-regulated competitive natural gas supply services provided by BHES are legally separate and distinct from the regulated Choice Gas Program provided and administered by Black Hills Energy.

You can submit a selection online, through your chosen supplier, by mail or you can do nothing and roll over to your same supplier and price option, however, we recommend actively making a selection so you have immediate knowledge of the price you will pay.

A selection is considered valid when you submit your choice through one of the accepted submission methods on or before Wednesday, April 24, 2024. Confirmation codes are time-sensitive, so check with your supplier about your code's expiration date. The first valid selection Black Hills Energy receives will be considered your final choice. Record your verification number if you’re submitting your selection online. You’ll need to sign any mailed selection forms for them to be valid.

If you move from one service address to another, or a new customer moves to a service address within the Choice Gas Program territory, that customer will continue with the supplier previously selected for that address. If the service address you move to was not an active service address during the annual selection period in April, or it is a new construction service address without a previous customer, you will be mailed a selection packet. For additional questions about service address issues, call 888-890-5554.

No. Regardless of your selection, Black Hills Energy will continue to provide meter reading and billing services, respond to gas leaks, and ensure the safety and reliability of the gas supply to Choice Gas Program communities.

No. Changes in distribution rates occur from time to time and are subject to Nebraska Public Service Commission approval.

Yes. Participating suppliers must meet requirements in Black Hills Nebraska Gas tariff, which are approved by the Nebraska Public Service Commission.

If you’re a Budget Billing customer and select a fixed monthly bill price option a supplier offers, your outstanding Budget Billing balance will be due in full with your June billing.  For questions about your Budget Billing balance, please call 888-890-5554.