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Nebraska hosts first excavator training
excavator training

In honor of Safe Digging Month, Nebraska operations in April held a three-day gas line safety training excavator workshop hosted by the York service office – a first for the Nebraska team. Nearly 20 technicians from across the state took part in course work led by professionals from within and outside of Black Hills Energy. Topics ranged from damage prevention to equipment maintenance and more.

Working in groups, everyone had the chance to participate in hands-on sessions with various types of excavation equipment to hone their skills in different areas. Trainees were encouraged to spend as much time as they liked using the equipment and asking questions.

The training event culminated with an “excavator rodeo” where participants were able to show off their talents for the chance to win prizes and team praise.

“Several people from the training department and volunteers from operations did an excellent job getting equipment brought in for us to use and setting things up in order for us to host a really engaging and educational training,” said Jeff Hohnholt, operations supervisor in York. “I think that all the trainees felt like they got a lot out of the experience and enjoyed their time here.”

Positive Energy

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