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Black Hills Energy shines as an Energy Star in Arkansas

Congratulations to Arkansas Gas - awarded the Energy Star Partner of the Year - Sustained Excellence Award from the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy. The Sustained Excellence Award is the Energy Star program’s highest honor.

To qualify for the Sustained Excellence Award, winners must have received Energy Star Partner of the Year recognition for a minimum of two consecutive years and exceeded the criteria for the recognition. The Arkansas team exceeded that by earning the Energy Star Partner award for three years in a row.  

The team has implemented a variety of tools to protect the environment through energy efficiency, including:  

  • Conducting house audits.
  • Weatherizing homes – more than 1,185 homes in fact, which provided an energy savings of more than 1,018,915 therms through the Home Performance with Energy Star program.   
  • Partnering on cost sharing with other electric utilities.
  • Hiring Building Performance Institute-trained contractors to perform weatherization of homes.
  • Providing Building Performance Institute training to ensure an adequate number of qualified contractors are available.

Energy Star is a government-backed symbol for energy efficiency. Since 1992, Energy Star and its partners have helped American families and businesses avoid more than $450 billion in energy costs and achieve four billion metric tons of greenhouse gas reduction.

Well done Arkansas team!

We partner with our communities and customers, providing the kind of energy that fuels those areas and the lives of those we serve. Feel free to share the stories and photos. Make sure to tag us on FacebookInstagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

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