Pueblo, Colo. – March 20, 2020 – Black Hills Energy’s number one priority is the continued safety of our customers, employees and communities. We continue actively monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and have measures in place to ensure we continue to serve our customers in a way that is safe for everyone.
“We take the health and safety of our customers and employees very seriously and are committed to making practical decisions to appropriately protect all parties as our communities deal with the COVID-19 threat,” said Vance Crocker, vice president of operations for Southern Colorado. “We continue to closely monitor the frequently evolving environment and assess our processes alongside those developments.”
The company continues to work closely with local health, public safety and government officials to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and minimize the impact of service to customers. Some of the actions the company has taken to support customers include:
- Black Hills Energy is temporarily suspending nonpayment disconnections for our customers. We realize that due to possible extended periods of isolation, customers may face financial hardships effecting their ability to timely pay their energy bills. Please visit www.blackhillsenergy.com/covid-19 to explore options to assist in those hardships.
- Crews will continue to respond to all emergency calls and will be wearing appropriate personal protective equipment and following health practices as recommended by the CDC and other health organizations. Our work is usually done outside of homes and businesses and our interactions with residents and business owners is limited, if any.
- To minimize the potential spreading of COVID-19 Black Hills Energy will be asking customers who have had a fever, dry cough or been diagnosed with the virus in the last 48 hours to consider postponing non-emergency service calls.
- Customer walk-in locations have been closed temporarily.
Additionally, here are actions the company has taken to follow government guidance and support our employees:
- Employee travel has been limited to mission critical purposes.
- A work from home policy has been implemented for all employees who are able to do so.
- While no local employees have been diagnosed to date, paid leave will be provided for employees who test positive or are put under quarantine.
- All on-site meetings of over ten people have been postponed and electronic communications are encouraged when possible.
Black Hills Energy is committed to serving the needs of our customers while also having the privilege and responsibility of providing an essential service that our communities rely on. The company will continue to do its part to reduce the spread of the virus and take action as needed to support the health and safety of its employees, customers and communities.