Colorado Gas employees gathered at the Montrose, Colorado office to put theirs skills toward a great cause: building handmade, quality, safe, warm beds for kids who are sleeping on floors, couches and air mattresses every night.
Partnering with the local chapter of Sleep in Heavenly Peace, 18& Black Hills Energy employees built 12 beds that will be distributed to children in the Montrose-Delta area, along with new mattresses, pillows, sheets, and blankets. The organization’s mission is to ensure that no kid sleeps on the floor in their town, and we are honored to be able to support the organization with both a financial donation in December of 2018, and our time on the build day.
Sleep in Heavenly Peace started in 2012 in Twin Falls, Idaho, and has grown to 190 chapters nationwide today. SHP-Montrose launched as the first Colorado chapter in June of 2018, and with only six months left in the year to establish the organization in the community, assemble the tools and items necessary, and start building beds, set a goal of 25 bunk beds. On Christmas Eve, they delivered their 66th bed for the year, blowing past their original goal and ensuring that excitement rather than discomfort would be the only reason for a sleepless night for the recipients. For more information, check them out on Facebook @SHPMontrose.
Thank you to Montrose Ambassador Amber Foreman and Chairman’s Award Winner Ryan Pierce for organizing, and to everyone who made this opportunity to give back to the community possible.