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Black Hills Energy 2020 community impact report highlights contributions to local communities, overall economic impact | Nebraska

LINCOLN, Neb – May 12, 2021 – Black Hills Energy today released its 2020 Community Impact Report, highlighting corporate contributions, volunteerism efforts and overall economic impact last year. Unprecedented challenges called for a renewed commitment to the unique needs of each of the 823 communities Black Hills Energy serves, resulting in $5.6 million in charitable contributions to non-profit organizations, chambers of commerce and economic development organizations, and energy assistance programs.

In Nebraska, the company’s charitable giving in 2020 exceeded $1 million and direct economic impact totaled $142 million. This included charitable giving, compensation to 440 employees, franchise fees, payments to suppliers, and property, sales and use taxes paid to our communities. Black Hills Energy serves nearly 297,000 natural gas utility customers in 319 communities across Nebraska.

“We want Nebraska to thrive because this is our home, too,” said Kevin Jarosz, Black Hills Energy’s vice president of operations in the state. “We’re proud to serve Nebraska and work hard to be engaged, responsible community partners. When COVID-19 threw us all for a loop, we looked for ways to step up quickly, including an initial focus on helping communities meet basic needs like food insecurity.  Later, that became an increased commitment to energy assistance for families experiencing financial hardship.”


2020 Community Impact Totals

Black Hills Energy supported Nebraska communities in many ways in 2020:

  • Employees gave almost $119,000, plus a 25% match from Black Hills Corporation Foundation to benefit United Ways in Nebraska.
  • More than 250 employees in Nebraska volunteered with nearly 270 community organizations
  • Our energy assistance program, Black Hills Cares, helped 454 Nebraska families in need.
  • Invested in planting 300 trees, which will grow to filter storm water and absorb pollutants in our communities.
  • Hosted emergency response trainings for 120 first responders, helping keep Nebraska communities safe.

Stepping Up for Nebraska

Since 1988, nearly 5.5 million pounds of food have been donated through the 10/11 Can Care-A-Van, which helps stock the shelves of local food pantries.  Black Hills Energy has proudly sponsored the drive for six years.  Because of the pandemic, the 33rd edition was delayed a few months to allow for the safe collection of donations.  The Can Care-A-Van successfully kicked off in early August.  More than 186,000 pounds of food was collected in 2020 during stops in Sutton, Superior, Beatrice, Aurora, Ord, Ainsworth, Grand Island, Kearney, Columbus, York, Nebraska City, Lexington, and Atkinson. 

“Now more than ever, our communities need a hand up, and we are happy to be part of a long standing, impactful tradition like the Can Care-A-Van that has and continues to help provide food security across the state,” Jarosz said when the drive commenced.

Black Hills Energy serves 1.3 million natural gas and electric utility customers in eight states and is committed to bringing energy to local communities through charitable giving, outreach and employee volunteerism. The company’s direct economic impact last year totaled nearly $1.4 billion.

To learn more about Black Hills Energy’s total community impact, please visit our website at