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Colorado electric residential rebates

Earn up to $100 cash back with a free virtual home energy assessment

When you participate in our virtual home energy assessment, one of our trained energy evaluators will guide you through a process that will help you pinpoint how you use energy in your home. When you sign up for a virtual home energy assessment from Black Hills Energy you’ll receive a free home energy kit with easy-to-install LED bulbs, faucet aerators, showerheads, door weatherstripping and more!



Colorado electric residential rebate program

Rebate program Program information Printable application
Residential rebate program

Black Hills Energy encourages residential customers to purchase and install qualifying energy efficient equipment. We have rebates for many energy products to help customers use less energy and save money on their energy bill.

Products include:

  • Heat Pumps
  • Air Conditioners
  • Evaporative Coolers
  • Smart Thermostats
  • Water Heaters
  • Furnace Blower Motors
  • Home Appliances
  • Insulation & Sealing
Ready Home Electric Program

Black Hills Energy encourages residential builders and contractors to incorporate energy efficiency into the construction of new residential homes. The program is designed to demonstrate persistent energy savings, reduce customer’s electricity bills, and provide other benefits to end-users, such as improved health, safety and comfort.

The program has two paths:

  • Prescriptive Path: Builders/contractors put together a customized new construction package by selecting a combination of eligible measures to achieve the required number of points to receive an incentive.
  • Performance Path: Incentives are based upon achieving specific Home Energy Rating System (HERs) ratings. Contact us for details at 888-567-0799.
Electrification Pilot Program

Black Hills Energy offers financial incentives to residential customers to convert from natural gas water heating and space heating to energy efficient electric water heating and space heating equipment.

Home energy evaluation


Click here for more information or call 888-304-2314 to schedule your free online appointment.
Income qualified weatherization

Go to or call 719-583-6110 for more information.

Black Hills Energy Marketplace Colorado Electric residential customers are saving money on energy efficient lightbulbs, smart thermostats and more. Additional savings are available through instant rebates taken at checkout — no need to fill out forms or mail proof of purchase. Right now, even more savings are available on energy efficient lightbulbs. Shop now on our marketplace website.

For more information about our Colorado residential electric rebates, please call 888-567-0799.

Electric vehicle rebate program

Rebate program Program information Printable application
Electric Vehicle Charger Our Ready EV program provides cash rebates to cover a significant portion of the cost of electric vehicle home charging equipment and installation. Ready EV charger rebates are available to residential customers receiving electric service from Black Hills Energy.  English / Spanish
Income-Qualified Vehicle Charger Our Ready EV program provides increased cash rebates for income qualified Colorado residential electric customers in good standing to cover a higher portion of the cost of electric vehicle home charging equipment and installation. English / Spanish

Income-Qualified Vehicle Purchase
(Point of sale)

Our Ready EV program offers cash rebates for income-qualified Colorado residential electric customers in good standing who purchase a new or used electric vehicle (BEV) or plugin hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV). English / Spanish
Income-Qualified Vehicle Purchase
(Post sale)
Our Ready EV program offers cash rebates for income-qualified Colorado residential electric customers in good standing who purchase a new or used electric vehicle (BEV) or plugin hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV). English / Spanish

For more information about the Electric Vehicle Charging Rebate program, please email