Inspiring the next generation of energy savers
Through our partnerships with local schools, we’re introducing students to energy efficiency tips, tools, resources and programs and helping them grow into future energy savers.
We offer hands-on learning opportunities and energy efficiency product kits that help students develop energy saving habits in a fun and engaging way.
From an advanced power strip to a high efficiency shower head, the energy efficiency kit is designed to support classroom learning with products that will help students and their families save energy, water and money at home. Inside the kit is a quick start installation guide and additional energy efficiency and water efficiency resources that offer tips for even more savings.
Energy efficiency kits
We combine education programs with Black Hills Energy take-home kits filled with energy efficiency products for students in participating middle and high schools.

Energy efficiency product kits, grades 6-8
Students in grades 6-8 whose schools are participating in the LivingWise or EnergyWise programs will discover ways to use energy more efficiently while they learn about energy conservation and cost savings. Students will receive an efficiency kit full of energy saving products to use at home, a take-home workbook with engaging activities, and a program guide used for interactive learning. For more information, call 888-438-9473 or visit
Energy efficiency kits, grades 9-12
The M.O.R.E. High School Program (Managing Our Resources through Education) educates students and future utility customers about energy efficiency in a fun and engaging way. Kits provide students with the opportunity to explore using energy and other resources more efficiently. The program extends from the classroom to the home with a take-home kit full of energy efficiency products and the chance to participate in an in-depth home audit. For more information, call 888-438-9473 or visit