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Is your furnace ready for the chilly weather?
Replace furnace filter

The signs were all around me when I made a quick shopping trip this week. Snow boots are taking the place of sandals in the shoe section. Gallon jugs of apple cider are taking over the store displays where sweet summer lemonade once enjoyed prime real estate. Christmas trees have even taken over what was recently the school supply section.

The season is changing.

As we gear up for the transition, now is a good time to make sure your furnace is ready for the temperatures to dip.

First step: Clean

Check and replace your filters. Then, make sure your ducts are clean and call in a professional if needed. Finally, check your vents and clear them of any dust and debris that could block air flow. Dirty filters and ducts make your furnace work extra hard to push the air through, using more energy and increasing the wear and tear on your system.

Second step: Test


You don’t want to find out that your furnace is on the fritz during the season’s first snow. Turn it on now (or “…ahead of time”) to make sure it’s working well.

Third step: Do a safety check

safety check kit

While you’re in the productive homeowner zone, go ahead and replace the batteries in your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors.

Now’s also a great time to schedule a professional tune-up. Our experienced Service Guard technicians will make sure your furnace is running safely and efficiently. They’ll make sure there are no glitches in your unit’s combustion process, clean your furnace to make sure there’s nothing blocking air flow, and fix small problems before they turn into big ones. Give us a call at 800-504-2000 to schedule a furnace check today.

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