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Keep summer fun – and safe – with our top three electric safety tips
summer electric safety

May is National Electric Safety Month and sunny days are ahead of us. And we could all use a little sunshine in our lives right now.

As you venture out for your favorite summer projects and activities, make sure to stay safe with these electric safety tips.

1. Look up

Always look up before starting a project. If there’s a power line nearby, make sure to factor that in.

Will the tree you’re planting someday grow big enough to be too close to those lines?

Or is that new shed going to safely fit under the lines? Is there room in your yard for that new play set to be a safe distance from the lines?

A good rule of thumb is to keep yourself, your tools and your equipment at least 10 feet away from power lines at all times.

2. Look down

Whether you’re a homeowner planting a tree or a contractor excavating a subdivision, make sure to call 811 before you dig. It’s free, it’s safe and it’s the law. Call 811 at least two days before you want to dig. A specialist will come to your location and identify underground lines for you. Check out all of our steps to safe digging.

3. Look all around

While you’re enjoying the great outdoors this summer, keep an eye out for electrical equipment. Don’t work or play near electric substations, transformers, meters and power lines, and never touch a downed power line. If you see a downed power line, call our emergency number, 888-890-5554, or 911 immediately.

Now head outside if you can, breath in the fresh air, and stay safe while you’re having some well-deserved fun in the sun. Happy summer everyone!

Make sure to follow us on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and Twitter for the latest tips!


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For us, safety isn’t numbers

It’s not statistics. It isn’t dollar signs, and it’s not about campaigns. Safety is people. We've set a goal to be the safest energy company in the country. But we didn’t set that goal so we could check a box on a to-do list or show PowerPoint slides with charts featuring lots of down arrows. We did it so that everyone - including you - can go home safely. Every day.

Stay safe